New observatory project for ASA
Here you can now follow the construction progress of the new observatory project for ASA AstroSysteme Austria.

Visa Requirement for Namibia from April 2025
Visa requirements from April 2025

Observatory Sagittarius
Observatory Sagittarius completed

Observatory project "Jupiter"
Observatory "Jupiter" completed.

Heaven`s Mirror 3
Observatory "Heaven`s Mirror 3" for Martin ist completed.

Aquila Observatory
Our new 10Micron GM2000 HPS mount is currently moving into our new Aquila observatory.

New faster Internet!
New development in our internetspeed!

New Observatory
Our 13`th Observatory project is finalised. The technicians team from france will be here in a week for the installation of the equipment.

Construction of a new observatory
Construction progress of Wolfgang`s observatory

Matthias experience report from Tivoli
Matthias arriving at Tivoli in Corona times!